The Parents Association is a member of the National Parents Council – The Parents Association works with the Principal, Teaching Staff and Board of Management to build effective co-operation and partnership between home and school. The National Parents Council (NPC) is the nationwide, government-recognised organisation representing parents of children attending early and primary education.
The role of the Parent’s Association is set down in the Education Act 1998. A parents association shall promote the interests of the students in a school in co-operation with the board, principal, teachers and students. The Education Act also sets out two broad tasks for a parents association which area.
a. To advise the Principal or the Board on matters relating to the school·
b. To adopt a programme of activities which will promote the involvement of parents in the operation of the school, in consultation with the principal.
All parents of pupils in the school are members of the parents association. The parents association elect a committee who manage the responsibilities of the parent association on behalf of all the parents. In order for us to go from strength to strength, it is important to have new parents with new ideas involved in the Committee. As parents ourselves, we understand the demands on your time and any involvement with the association or its activities is greatly appreciated. All ideas and contributions are always extremely valued whether you want to help out at a particular event, join the committee, or have skills that you think would be of benefit to us. If you are new to the school, the PA is a great way to meet other parents while giving something back to the school. The following are some of the activities in which Parents Associations have been involved with:
- Arranging talks on topics of interest to parents, e.g. guest speaker on parenting/discipline
- Providing support/organisational input into school events
- Channelling parents views on school policy issues to the Principal/Board of Management
- Organising Fund Raising Events for the school
If you would like to take a more active role, please contact a member of the parents committee, make contact with your class representative or email the parents association at